The Elephant
E is for elephant, extraneous, and empathy. It enchants, enriches, and explains. It is an enigma, an enemy, and an escape. E knows when it's time to end it, when it's time to evolve, and when it is time to evaluate your options. E embodies love and strength and humility. It emanates warmth and charm, eliminates negativity, and encourages others. E is eloquent and endearing, but never egotistical. It feeds off of excitement and energy and can be a bit extravagant. E can work a room with ease and evoke envy from the most elegant - it has no equal. It can be found everywhere - in envelopes, elevators, and entryways. It’s a sharp elbow, a sticky eclair, and a well written epilogue. E will hold your hand in an emergency, embrace you after a tough loss, and entertain you when you are restless. It can empower the weak and emancipate the enslaved. E is sturdy and strong, a timeless presence that endures each era. It is secure in its role, a vowel deeply woven throughout the English language - it is the capital of the word. It lines up to take its place at the beginning of Earth, Egypt, and England. It lies hidden past every edge, leads every empire, and fuels every explosion. It’s edgy and eccentric while staying earnest. When you embark on an adventure, it sits by your side - an eternal entourage and ensemble, encouraging your efforts. It is the eerie silence left behind in the wake of an echo, the raw emotion experienced at the end of an earthquake. There is no equal that emerges to challenge the letter E. It is the essence of language, ever essential and entrenched in every sentence.